July 22, 2021
WHY….leads to Vision
HOW…leads to Core Values
WHAT… leads to Mission
In order for your Business Strategy to be successful, you must work from the inside out … Ask the right questions in the right order.
That is really where it all starts.
Instead of looking at WHAT we do … HOW we do it … and only then ask ourselves WHY we do it … we need to Start With WHY.
WHY is a process of discovery. Why do we get up every morning and do what we do? We all have a WHY, we may not be aware of it or perhaps we’ve forgotten it with the busyness of our everydayness.
And no … your WHY is not to make money, buy a house or support your family. Those are all results of your WHY.
WHY … leads to Vision
Your WHY comes from your past, your history. Your Vision is your Future.
A Vision Statement describes what you or your business wants to achieve in the future. It explains what you’re aiming to be. It provides strategic direction by describing the ‘Why’ and the ‘How’ for your future goals to be realized.
HOW … leads to Core Values
HOWs are not aspirational. They do not express who we want to be. They express the manner, the way, we actually behave. The things we actually do when we’re at our best. They are the actions we choose to take on a daily basis to help ensure that we’re creating the type of environment in which we and our business thrive. They are the operating principles that guide a company both internally and externally. Your HOWs are your Strengths!
“Marketing is about values. It’s a complicated and noisy world and we’re not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us . No company is. So we have to be really clear about what we want them to know about us” Steve Jobs, Co-Founder Apple
WHAT … leads to Mission
Your Mission statement describes your philosophies and goals that define what a company is … why it exists and its reason for being. Your mission statement answers the question “what business are we in?” It very simply clarifies a company’s function, markets and competitive advantage. It is the ‘What’ and ‘Who’ of a company. Mission statement goals should be defined by what the company does for its customers, what it does for its employees and what it does for its owners. A mission statement typically drives the company’s vision statement.
Our Mission at Viral Essence is taking the heart, the soul, the very essence of your business, and sharing that Vision with the world.
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