What is Fragmented Marketing?


What is Fragmented Marketing and Why You Don’t Want to Do It?

One of the most common marketing mistakes that businesses make is what we call ‘Fragmented Marketing’. It is absolutely the wrong approach to marketing, yet it’s the most common approach in business today.

Let me explain fragmented marketing, in contrast to what we call ‘systematized marketing’. Fragmented marketing means that there is no cohesive message or comprehensive system handling your marketing. Instead, when you buy marketing and advertising, it is developed by the company creating the ad, right? Think back to the last marketing piece that you created for your company. What was it, a brochure, a website, a printed ad, a radio spot? Who created the final product for you? They did, didn’t they? The radio station created your radio spot, the magazine created your magazine ad, the design company created your brochure, the web design company created the website, and the video production company developed the content for your video, right? Think about how fragmented that makes your marketing efforts. All of those different companies have different ideas about what your marketing message should be from their perspective. Think about how wrong that is.
